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From Library to Boardroom: My Journey as Adecco Finland’s CEO For One Month

My path to becoming the CEO for One Month at Adecco Finland began in the university library. I had received access for online assessments during an examination week and I rushed through a series of cognitive and personality tests thinking that becoming the CEO was statistically quite unlikely anyway since the unique opportunity to work as a summer CEO attracts over 1000 applicants in Finland alone. Little did I know that this unique program would propel me on a transformative journey of leadership and personal growth.

Navigating the Application Process and Assessments

The application process for the CEO for One Month Program showcased Adecco Finland's expertise in recruitment. It started with a simple online CV upload, which was a stark contrast compared to the usual routine of writing cover letters and filling out random details within corporate databases, which seems to be the norm in many industries. Although scarcity of talent has never been an issue for this program, especially in labour markets filled with candidate scarcity, it is crucial that applying is not too time-consuming to ensure a large pool of applicants.

The process continued with online assessments, a recorded video interview and finally with an online interview. Each step was meticulously planned, and the number of tests and interviews never felt overwhelming. On the contrary, I enjoyed participating in the interviews and learning more about the program and Adecco as a company. Throughout the process, I attempted to simply be the best version of myself and nothing else.

The Final Assessment Day: A Day of Networking

The final assessment day in Helsinki included the top 10 candidates from Finland. In addition of serving the purpose of recruiting, the assessment day was an excellent networking event. Our tasks during the day included personal and group presentations, and while waiting for others to present we had ample time to get to know each other. The top 10 included a group of extremely qualified people with expertise from different fields, and I thought that already being a part of that group was a big accomplishment. The day ended with a group dinner, which was a further opportunity to discuss with other finalists.

I thought that becoming the CEO for One Month would require a perfect score in everything, but this ended up not being the case. My scores in online assessments were high on some measures but on some I received average scores. Only after starting at Adecco, I have learned that such tests are usually only interpreted along with other evidence and as part of a more bigger picture view. Similarly, during the final assessment day I felt confident about my presentations on succession planning and artificial intelligence, but I was not too sure about my success in one of the group tasks.

Looking ahead

The first days at Adecco have demonstrated that the opportunity was well worth pursuing. Within my first week, I gained invaluable insights into running a country organisation within a Fortune 500 company. I have been especially impressed by the openness and transparency: as a summer CEO I actually get to be a part of all the meetings that the real CEO attends. I am also looking forward to traveling to Adecco offices around Finland. It is a pleasure to be a part of making the future work for everyone.


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